gas in tank by Abbie Hart

to forget to eat before
binging at the shitty dining hall
and spending hours in the bathroom
shitting violently.
and to go to work and get food
but forget it on the counter
come home at 1am when
the dining hall is closed
and eat random shit out of the fridge.
to not want to go to the dining hall alone.
to settle for my fifth grilled cheese of the week
because of this.
to eat frozen-then-microwaved tortillas with
a little bit of salt and some of these
motherfuckers don’t even know what a tortilla is.
and there is literally nothing left.

Abbie Hart is a 19 year old poet from Houston, TX currently living in Worcester, MA. She has been published over 30 times, and is the editor in chief for the Literary Forest Poetry Magazine. In her spare time, she learns useless skills, daydreams about pottery, and does her best to be a nice warm soup. Her website is