
The Editors

Leann Denman
Founder and Editor-in-Chief

Leann’s interest in photography has been heavily focused on nature, landscapes, and events. Her photos have been published on travel websites of the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta and an article about the National Geographic photo contest competitors. Her photos have also been used by city organizations, published on international Yahoo articles, and featured on Flickr Blog. Leann’s professional experience includes portrait, business, and boudoir photography. She’s fond of hanging out of moving vehicles to take photos and excels at losing her lens cap regularly. She loves to see photography in any theme that people are passionate about.

Rich Boucher
Associate Editor

Rich Boucher, born with HDTV in Woonsocket, Rhode Island, is a laborer, lover, and poet. A page and stage writer with memberships in five national poetry slam teams to his credit (Worcester, Massachusetts) in 1995 and 1996, Washington, D.C. in 2001, Wilmington, Delaware in 2007 and Albuquerque, New Mexico in 2008 and 2014), Rich has published four chapbooks of poems and hosted an open reading and slam in Newark, Delaware for several years. Since moving to Albuquerque in March of 2008, Rich has been performing and writing steadily in the Duke City, as well as appearing in several local schools as a guest performer and educator. In 2012, Rich was named to the first inaugural Albuquerque Poet Laureate Selection Committee for a two-year term, and his participation helped to select the City of Albuquerque’s first official Poet Laureate. Rich’s poems have appeared in numerous literary journals, both in print and online. In January of 2012, Rich appeared as a long-distance guest on the album, “Dylan – Philadelphia Pays Tribute to a Legend”, an album featuring various Philadelphia artists performing covers of Dylan songs to benefit Amnesty International and the End Hunger Network; Rich’s contribution to the album was a spoken-word rendition of Bob Dylan’s “My Back Pages”. From the summer of 2016 to the spring of 2017, he served as the Associate Editor and Weekly Poem Curator at Elbow Room Magazine. He released his first book of poems, “All of This Candy Belongs to Me”, published by Jules’ Poetry Playhouse Publications, in April of 2019. Rich adds new and unpublished work in audio format from time to time on his bandcamp page at He lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico with his love Leann and their sweet cat Callie.