Limo Drive to Area 51 by Kit Emily Lascher

I bring you the glow
and you don’t even tip. 

Out the window – 
what else can you paint neon? 
I know what they’re hiding. 
I broke a blacklight 
so I could drink what’s inside. 

Now all the prints and stains you left
I can see, clear as the light above 
an autopsy table, illuminating 
everything they tried to keep from us. 

Oh so the footage is fake? 
Oh so sometimes footage is fake? 
Oh so I’ll never crash through the gates? 

Who says I have to crash?
If I do, we both know they’ll take the pieces,
lock up every metallic fragment

exactly where I want to go. 

Kit Emily Lascher is an art corvid. She collects anything shiny, holds her collaborators close, and always remembers. You can find her work in magazines and anthologies, including beestung (Nominated for Best American Science Fiction/Fantasy 2023), The Winnow, Hearth & Coffin, Spillover Magazine, and Mid-Level Management Literary Magazine. She will be publishing two chapbooks in 2023, is an editorial team member at Punk Monk Magazine, and the editor of Trash Wonderland. She can be found at